Diaclone Reboot Cloud Across Prototype revealed at Shizuoka Hobby Show

Takara-Tomy’s Diaclone Reboot toy line revealed the highly anticipated Cloud Across toy today at the Shizuoke Hobby Show, held at the Twin Messe Shinzuoke venue in the Shizuoka-Prefecture, Shizuoka-City, Magarikane, Japan. Toy from various manufacturers will be on display from May 10th through May 14th. The 10th and 11th are Trade Days not open to the public. May 12th is open only to students attending school. The 13th and 14th of May will have the show open to the public.
The Diaclone Reboot Cloud Across is a futuristic air vehicle that combines with the massive Ground Dion mobile ground base (revealed earlier this year). Together they combine to form the giant robot knows as the Diaclone Great Robot Base. The Diaclone Reboot line is the new revival of the Diaclone toy line, from which the original Transformers toys were licensed by Hasbro in 1984. Online retailers have the Ground Dion toy available for pre-order, but no word has been shared about when the Cloud Across toy will be available for pre-order. The combined form of the Grand Robot Base appears to be on-par with the current Titan-class figures in the Transformers line. Images first appeared of Cloud Across on the Akihabara Base Camp Twitter account.
As more information becomes available. we will post images and any videos that appear from the show in the Pre-TF section of our Polyhex Discord channel on the Axalon Underground Discord server or on our Facebook group. Join us there to discuss the new figures!

Source: Akihabara Base Camp Twitter Feed
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