Monster Transformer of the Day: Doublecross

Today’s Monster Transformer of the Day is the dual-headed Monsterbot Doublecross!

(Image credit: Botch’s Box Art Archive)
Doublecross’ alternate mode is that of a two-headed dragon. His (Their?) only American animated appearance was in a Transformers commercial in 1987 introducing of the Monsterbots. They destroy the lab where they were created and then turn to defend it from Cyclonus, Scourge, and Octane. The Doublecross toy’s main gimmick was firing sparks from a slot in its chest when a button on his back is pressed.
His function, according to his Tech Specs bio, is supply procurer and the main aspect of his prsonality is his unreliability, since his two dragon heads have separate personalities and don’t feel bound by what the other head agrees to. The most notable thing about his tech specs card is his lowly strength score of 1, making him weaker than G1 Bumblebee! He also has a 10 in endurance and a 9 in courage, so that should count for something. His mid-range firepower (6) and above average skill (8) would also help make up for his lack of brawn, but his low speed score (2) no doubt hindered his performance, as well.

(Image courtesy of Zabgoth and
In the Marvel US Comics, Doublecross first appears in Headmasters #1, as a recruit for Fortress Maximus odyssey to find a new home among the stars, far from the Cybertronian War. Doublecross and his Monsterbot comrades announce themselves as the board the Steelhaven. From there he travelled to Nebulos and participated in the skirmishes that erupted on that planet that gave rise to the Headmasters and Targetmasters.
He departed for Earth aboard the Steelhaven and was last seen with Fortress Maximus’ crew on Earth’s moon, where they and the Ark’s crew joined forces against Earth’s Decepticon forces led by Ratbat. He also appeared in Blackthorne Publishing’s comics in Transformers in 3-D #3 where he and Ultra Magnus came to the aid of several Decepticons against the Destructons. The end of the issue found the Autobots and Decepticons calling a truce, with the next issue promising a union of the two factions, but, alas, issue #4 was never published.

Doublecross’ main animated appearances were in the Japanese Headmasters cartoon, where he bounced from planet Beast, to planet Paradise, and finally Earth. He was mostly comic reliefe, with his heads arguing or insulting one another rather than effectively handling the situations he was in.
He was also featured repeatedly in the Japanese Legends comics, which helped advertise his newer Legends Targetmaster/Headmaster toy which was similar to his American release from the Titans Return line, named Twinferno.

(Twinferno, Image credit: Hasbro)
In IDW’s Transformers comics, he and the other Monsterbots assisted Grimlock and the other Dinobots (a.k.a. Dynobots) in their fight against The Machination. Later he joined the Lost Light’s crew and became part of Getaway’s mutiny.
Well, that’s all we have time for today on Doublecross. He has many other appearances across various Transformers media and lore, so be sure to dig some up and enjoy the stories of one of the oddest Autobots ever! See you tomorrow!
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